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« unchanged by the grace of God - Clarence Jordan | Main | 'Urban Listening' - animated film on religion & poverty & western society . . . »

September 24, 2009


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Good change toward being a little more generic for people of different backgrouds. Though I liked the ancient Trinity symbol, a couple people of conservative backgrounds appeared suspicious that it might be a cult symbol.

Two thoughts about the new outline:

1) uhm, how is this layout supposed to print and fold? - I'm not getting it...origami-challenged...

2) the new last question of P - What do you & others sense that God is calling you to become? - really seems to fit at the end of S. It's a pretty big open-ended question that can easily side-track the group from getting through R-A-X-I-S when broached in the beginning.

Grace, peace & adventure in asking the questions

Hey guys, you have put so much time and effort into this, thanks for reading my last post and leaving a comment! I’ve recently started a blog of my own and have been posting on my travel notes. I had emailed to friends and relatives about your blog, catch you on the next one.

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